Library - ISBN request

ISBN request

Publications produced at Breda University of Applied Sciences can be given an official ISBN number. An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) ensures that publications can easily be found in catalogues and via the internet, nationally and internationally. Moreover, a publication with an ISBN will be stored in the depot of the Royal Library, under appropriate circumstances.

The library will check the bibliographical data and handles all ISBN requests. The library will also send the required number of copies of the publication concerned to the Bureau ISBN and the Royal Library, for the purpose of inclusion of the national digital depot. If it concerns a series of publications or a journal published by Breda University of Applied Sciences, an application will be filed with the ISSN Centrum Nederland, that comes under the Royal Library.  

All work published via a commercial publisher or party will not have this Breda University of Applied Sciences publisher status. The ISBN has to be requested by the party concerned (publisher services of the publishing company). External parties cannot appeal to Breda University of Applied Sciences publisher status, unless an official collaborative arrangement is involved, and the work has in fact been produced in collaboration with Breda University of Applied Sciences.

Want to make a request?
Go to the ISBN form

For more information, please send an email or phone: 076 5332290.