Master Tourism Destination Management

1 year
Start 1 September 2025

Do you want to explore how to shape the future of tourism destinations in a responsible, resilient and sustainable way? And would you like to study at four locations around the world? Then the Master Tourism Destination Management is perfect for you!  

This programme will equip you as a young professional with the skills and competencies to tackle complex challenges and opportunities that tourism destinations are facing. You will become familiar with various perspectives from different stakeholders, such as tourists, locals, businesses, governments and NGOs. You will also apply your learning in practice and conduct field research at four different locations around the world, experiencing the diversity and cross-cultural dynamics of tourism firsthand.  


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What is Tourism Destination Management?

Why this study programme at BUas?

  • Three months of field research at three different destinations in the world
  • Great opportunity to expand your international network 
  • Internationally acknowledged by UNWTO and THE-ICE

Zoom in on Master Tourism Destination Management

Course content

Course content

Tourism is a dynamic and fast-growing sector, offering opportunities for interdisciplinary study and research. The tourism sector brings economic benefits, growth and opportunities for people and businesses in destination areas. At the same time, matching demand from tourists in origin areas with supply at tourism destinations remains a challenge for many organisations. Effectively managing this kind of change and building resilient businesses and destinations requires knowledge and expertise, closely tied to the destination areas themselves. 

This master’s is structured in three phases. The first phase, based in Breda, has a distinct focus on theory and prepares students for the second and third phases. The second phase takes place at three different types of tourism destinations. The emphasis is on tourism practice under varying conditions, and you will work in international research teams of students. In the final phase, you will write your thesis, integrating practice and theory to develop new insights, theories or generalisations.  

The programme lasts 12 months and consists of three phases:   

Phase 1 – Theory in Breda

During the first phase, lasting five months, you will gain theoretical knowledge and develop your professional skills. This enables you to effectively analyse the current situation and available potential for development strategies at various tourism destinations. You will also study destination theories, models, developments, practical cases and you will do individual assignments.  

The first phase covers the following subjects:   

  • Destination Stakeholders and Policy (6 ECTS credits)    
  • Contemporary Marketing, Context and Trends (6 ECTS credits)  
  • Destination Development, Finance and Organisation (6 ECTS credits)  
  • Context Related Research (4 ECTS credits)  
  • Cross Cultural Studies (3 ECTS credits)  
  • Research Process & Methods (3 ECTS credits)  
  • Team Performance and Creative Leadership (2 ECTS credits) 

Below you will find some subjects explained:   

  • In Destination Development, Finance and Organisation, you will learn about the economic impact of tourism, how tourism-related projects and events are financed, and how project management works.    
  • In Team Performance and Creative Leadership, you will learn about how to best communicate across cultures. You will learn to apply the right skills, tools and competencies as a team to start a new project, understand group dynamics and act accordingly.  
  • In Destination Stakeholders and Policy, you will learn about different concepts of stakeholder modelling, mapping stakeholder relationships and interests. You will also learn about stakeholder dilemmas and links to current developments in tourism. You will compile a tourism vision and a master plan.   
Phase 2 – Field research

In the second phase, lasting three months, you will carry out assignments at three different destinations around the world, each at a different stage of development. These assignments are created by lecturers in cooperation with stakeholders involved in the development of tourism destinations in the region. You will gain extensive cross-cultural experience to uncover the desired contextual information. Each project group is assigned a different stakeholder perspective and carries out research into the possible, probable or preferable future of their area, district or region.  

Together with your class, you will travel to three different, pre-determined destinations. You will spend about one month at each destination. You have the flexibility to choose where to stay overnight and with whom. The research project group you work with is assigned in advance by the lecturers.   

We try to select a variety of destinations that are familiar with developments and dynamics, have many contacts with companies, government institutions and universities of applied sciences, where research can be done in English, and that offer cultural differences.  

The final decision on the mix of destinations will be made after the start of the programme. Destinations visited in the past include Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chambéry, Malta and Singapore. 

Read an article on the second destination of phase 2, Penang in Malaysia.  

Phase 3 – Final thesis

By writing a final thesis, you will apply your research skills and demonstrate a true understanding of tourism destination management from a professional and academic point of view. A thesis is an individual assignment, carefully supervised by one of our lecturers.   

Writing a final thesis requires considerable effort. Consequently, students often approach it with personal motivation and interest in the topic. If you generate new ideas during the writing process, the lecturers are always open to discussing these with you. As early as in phase 1, you will be asked to come up with a topic and start writing your research proposal. In principle, the thesis should cover a topic or an issue in an international tourism context. The final thesis should be written in English, unless another language is more appropriate. Some recent examples of theses are:   

  • Strengthening Bridges – how a Dutch tour operator can improve collaboration with its Indonesian partners   
  • Development and Application of Smart City Practices in Rural Destinations – how can regenerative tourism possibly occur?  
  • Experiences and motives behind tourists’ choices of destinations with paranormal activity – a case study of Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania.  
  • More examples can be found here.  

Cooperation with an external client   
You can choose to write your thesis in close collaboration with an external client. This means working with a BUas industry partner or a self-selected international tourism organisation, adding a professional dimension to your research project. Alternatively, in consultation with academy staff, your research can also tie in with one of the BUas research lines. However, many students write an independent research thesis and travel to a tourism destination to explore their topic.   

Research location   
Conducting research and writing a thesis during this third phase can take place anywhere in the world. The final oral exam takes place in the Netherlands. The majority of students graduate by the end of August, which makes this programme a full-time, 12-month programme.  



To video presentation

Professional versus academic master’s degree

The level of education in both forms is the same. Both the professional master's and the academic master's degrees are hard work and the number of ECTS credits is the same. Yet there are some differences.

The biggest difference lies in the nature of research undertaken. A professional master's degree focuses mainly on practical application within the professional realm. In contrast, an academic master’s degree emphasises the cultivation of research skills, theory and knowledge development. So, are you more practice-oriented? Then a professional master’s would be a prudent choice. Conversely, if theoretical exploration appeals to you, an academic master’s would likely suit you better.  

Teaching method

We offer you a small-scale, international study environment. The number of students in this master’s programme varies each year between 30 and 50, with approximately 50% being international students. You begin in one class that includes all students. During phase 1, the class is divided as needed for workshops, consultation sessions and group work.  

During phase 2, you will work in groups under the guidance of two supervisors – partly on site and partly through online support. At the end of each destination, you will submit a report and deliver a group presentation.  

In phase 3, you will work independently, receiving online guidance and feedback from your supervisor, if needed. Your final product consists of a thesis and an oral defence of this thesis.   

During this master’s programme, you will have no examinations. You will earn study credits by submitting portfolios, reports and giving presentations. Some courses may involve company visits or on-site assignments.   


Study load and coaching

The Master Tourism Destination Management is a one-year, full-time programme of an average 40 hours per week. The total study load is 60 ECTS credits. To give you an idea: 1 ECTS credit equals about 28 hours of study per week. Please note that this programme lasts 12 months. We start in the last week of August and the majority of students graduate in the last week of August of the following year.  

You will have daily contact with a specialist team of lecturers, guest lecturers, academics and professionals from the tourism sector. The Operations manager is also available to help you with day-to-day matters. 

A typical week

Each week is arranged differently. The number of scheduled class days varies from week to week. Below is an example of an average week. 


  • 09.30-10.30: Introduction lecture on CCS (Cross Cultural Studies) 
  • 11.00-12.00: Guest lecture on CRR (Context Related Research) 
  • 12.00-12.30: Lunch 
  • 12.30-14.30: Working on group assignments with classmates *  
  • 14.30-16.00: Workshop on CMCT (Contemporary Marketing Context and Trends) 


  • 14.00-15.00: Lecture on CRR (Context Related Research) 
  • 15.00-17.00: Consultation session on CMCT (Contemporary Marketing Context and Trends) 


  • 9.30-11.30: Workshop on CCS (Cross Cultural Studies)  
  • 11.30-13.30: Seminar on CMCT  
  • 13.30-14.00: Lunch 
  • 14.00-15.00: Lecture on CCR (Context Related Research) 
  • 17.00-19.00: Monthly master’s drinks on campus together with students from other BUas master’s programmes  


  • 9.30-12.00: Presentations on CMCT (Contemporary Marketing Context and Trends) 
  • 12.00-13.00: Lunch and free time 
  • 13.30-15.30: Guest lecture (Context Related Research) 
  • 15.30-17.00: Working on group assignments with classmates *   

Working on assignments from home  

*These times are scheduled by the students themselves; you are free to decide with your group when to work on your assignment.  


Student well-being
BUas encourages and helps you to make the most of yourself, whatever your circumstances. Maybe you have a chronic illness, are a family carer, a competitive athlete, or juggle your studies with running your own business? Our study coaches, student counsellors and student psychologists are here to help. Do you need extra support or advice? Or extra facilities? Then take a look at the options here.

Guest lectures, fieldwork and company visits

During this master’s, you will regularly receive guest lectures from industry professionals. Some examples from previous years are:   

  • Dr Andrew Mzembe about sustainable innovation management in tourism  
  • George Arbuckle about aviation and sustainability   
  • Prof. Claudio Milano about urban tourism and (im)possibilities in times of crisis 

During phase 1, you will have the opportunity to go out for fieldwork on certain subjects. You will spend a day conducting research in Amsterdam. In addition, for the Destination Stakeholders and Policy course, you will visit various companies in Rotterdam over a two-day period.  

In addition to the Netherlands, you will study in three different places around the world in this professional master’s degree programme, giving you a broad intercultural experience and developing a thorough knowledge of tourist destinations. Each destination is at a different stage of development. You will conduct research in three different destinations. Destinations visited in previous years include Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chambéry, Malta and Singapore. 



What makes this study programme unique

Admission & application

What are the admission requirements? 

Students are eligible if they hold a bachelor’s degree (BA, BSc., BBA, B Com), for example in the fields of tourism, hotel management, international business, management, economics, law, e-commerce, urban development, geography, social sciences or finance. If you do not meet these requirements, you can have a look at the options available to you.

Information about admission requirements


What does this study programme cost?

For academic year 2025-2026 the statutory tuition fee for master's programmes is €2,601. In addition, you should take extra costs for software, excursions, etc. into account.

Information about study costs


How can I apply?

If you meet the admission requirements, you can apply for this study programme. You can apply until 15 August, but you are encouraged to apply before 1 July because of the summer holidays.

More information about applying

Find out if this study programme suits you

Seeking a master’s programme in tourism, leisure, or imagineering? Take this short quiz to discover the best match for you.

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Learn, grow and reach milestones

The most significant part of the course I teach is that it guides students in critical thinking and makes them aware of what’s going on in the world and in all kinds of tourism destinations. Its goal is to build problem-solving skills in a methodical manner. I teach students to welcome difficulties, learn from mistakes, and perceive mistakes as chances for progress. It gives me great joy to watch students learn, grow, and reach their milestones.

Rami Isaac

Lecturer Master Tourism Destination Management

Maximising the positives, minimising the negatives

“I knew that after finishing my studies, I wanted to return to my home country and actively participate in the functioning of tourism in our capital city. One of the biggest challenges in my work is fulfilling the tourism strategy and values of the city – maximising the positives of tourism and minimising the negatives associated with it. The master’s was an excellent preparation for the intricacies of destination management, introducing me to trends that are embraced by most of the leading European tourist cities. My focus on marketing was significantly bolstered by the course on Contemporary Marketing, Context & Trends, which I found incredibly engaging and which outlined the direction I wanted to take within tourism.” 

Julie Teclová

Marketing Specialist for Prague City Tourism

You learn to use your talents better

I work as a Product Manager at Silverjet Vacations, we specialise in luxury holidays. I am responsible for the hotels in Asia and Malta. I select, inspect, negotiate and ensure proper marketing in collaboration with all hotels. During this master’s, you also work with people with different backgrounds and qualities. You learn to use your talents better, recognise your weaknesses and overall it makes you flexible. You also learn to approach stakeholders for interviews, developing strong networking skills. Very useful in my work environment, literally! I once stood on top of a mountain in the French Alps with my feet in the snow for an interview.

Joost Bouwmeester

Product Manager at Silverjet Vacations

What can you do after your studies?

Graduates of the Master Tourism Destination Management are entitled to the degree of Master of Arts and qualified for international policy and advisory positions, international management positions and research positions.

More information about options after your studies