
Breda University of Applied Sciences is firmly rooted in a network of national and international businesses and organisations. These close industry links create opportunities for a wide variety of undertakings. How can we help you?

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How do we work together?

The core of our education is working together with you as an entrepreneur or professional in the industry. This working together is something we do in different ways. Watch the video to discover some possibilities.

Ideas to inspire your collaborative choices

Minor students setting to work on your research project

In their final year of study, our students take a broadening or deepening minor. Part of this involves doing a research assignment for a company, organisation or government authority. Students, in groups, work on an assignment for five months in the context of certain themes, such as: 

  • Storytelling
  • Placemaking & Shaping Destinations
  • Sustainability
  • Social Responsibility
  • Crowd Management
  • Hospitality Innovation
  • e-Sports & Media
  • Sustainable Area Development 

If you have an interesting research project that matches one of these themes, please feel free to contact us.

Your work experience has impact – we would be happy to have you as our guest lecturer

Who would be the person best suited to talk about how things really work in practice? That would be you, of course! Experiences and stories of industry professionals have a huge impact on students. Our students are inspired by the ideas you have about the future of the profession in which they are still developing. Guest lectures are always well attended and the wonderful thing is that, due to the interaction with our students, you will learn new things yourself too. If you work in one of the fields below and enjoy the interaction and energy from young people, please sign up for a guest lecture.

  • Tourism and recreation 
  • Leisure and events 
  • Hospitality  
  • Facilities 
  • Logistics 
  • Mobility, spatial planning and urban development 
  • Media and entertainment
  • Game development and serious gaming  
Workable and innovative solutions for your company

If your company or organisation is facing a special challenge, applied research may be a first step towards a workable solution. Our researchers are working daily to further develop knowledge in the fields in which they operate. And they would love to this together with you. Because after all, when we join forces, we are able to develop innovative solutions to current issues that you are facing in your work. We do not only join forces within our knowledge institute and with the industry, but also with government, education and research institutes. Just check out our research page for inspiration and examples. 

Life-long learning as a professional in our learning communities

We operate in Learning Communities, in which students, lecturers and professionals from business and government motivate and inspire each other in sharing knowledge. We believe it is important for our students to work on assignments drawn from professional practice. It is even better if professionals themselves get actively involved in such a learning community, which does not need to cost you that much time. The benefits, however, are huge, because by cooperating with students and lecturers on a certain theme you will keep your theoretical knowledge up to date and learn to look at a case from different angles. If you have a particular challenge that we could assign to one of our Learning Communities, please let us know.  

Host a site visit to put your company in the spotlight

We regularly get our students out of the classroom to visit a company in a relevant industry. A peek behind the scenes like this is extremely valuable to our students and it also gives them a chance to explore employment opportunities. If you are interested and available to welcome a group of motivated students on location and tell them an inspiring story about your company or any of its special activities or projects, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. A perfect opportunity to get to know the professionals of the future! 

Your assessment is most helpful to our graduate students

When assessing graduation theses and administering final exams we like to work together with the people who truly understand and appreciate the relevance of the students’ work. A good assessment by professionals in the field gives graduate students the confidence that they really get it and that they have applied what they have learned in the right way. That they are well equipped to enter the world of work, in other words. How wonderful to contribute to this as an experienced professional by taking part in the graduation committee. It is also a smart way to stay in tune with the vision and ideas of young professionals.

Make use of our Fresh Brains

Fresh Brains, that’s how we call our students. It is surprising to see how well they are capable of thinking outside the box. Our cross-cultural learning environment, in which we work together with students and lecturers from different cultural backgrounds, is an enormous asset in this respect. So if you are up for a healthy dose of fresh ideas, please contact us, we would be happy to think along. In the inspiring setting of our Innovation Square there is more than enough room for brainstorming sessions or a dynamic and creative Hackathon. We are open to everything.

Meet our talented students

We regularly organise ‘Industry Days’ especially for companies and organisations operating in the disciplines in which we educate our students. On these days, you get to meet our students and lecturers, but other professionals too, on campus or sometimes online. A real network activity, so to speak, which will help you make new contacts, exchange knowledge and get to know our talented students. They can set to work for you on a placement assignment, a graduation research project, or in their first job. Our logistics programmes and Hotel Management programme even have a special ‘talent programme’. Want to find out more? Please contact us

Our Production House creates appealing promo videos 

Production House is the student training company of our Creative Business programme. Students work here on assignments for industry clients one day a week. Do you want to have a promo video produced for you, do you need a well thought-out marketing plan or a cross-media strategy? Just consider engaging our students. They would be happy to help you. Any ideas? Get in touch with us and we will see what our students can do for you. 

A bespoke masterclass for your staff

Are you looking for a tailored course for your staff with regard to a certain team? Our lecturers have experience with customised training. In consultation, they will put together a programme that is completely in line with the context of your business or activities. 

Join one of our industry committees

Every degree programme has its own industry committee. These committees ensure optimal alignment between education and employment. The members of the committee represent the company or organisation and the sector in which they work. As a member, you will inform degree programme management about key trends and developments in your sector in order to jointly feed this information back into the curriculum. In this way, we are able to secure the link between education and industry from a wider perspective.  And of course, it also works the other way around: degree programme staff can ask the industry committee to test any proposed curriculum changes against professional practice. 


Would you like to know more about the above forms of cooperation or are you looking for other possibilities? Please feel free to contact us.

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International collaboration

To prepare students for management-level positions in an international setting, we work together with leading organisations from all over the world. 

Do you see potential in international collaboration with BUas? Please read more about our international activities and contact our Global Engagement Team.

To Global Engagement 

Join us at Innovation Square

You are more than welcome to join us at Innovation Square where you will find a mix of established companies, start-ups, independent workers without employees, (placement) students, and researchers with whom you can network and work together on new ideas. 

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