

In addition to accounting for its performance to all its stakeholders, Breda University of Applied Sciences also wants to provide a safe environment to its staff as well as current and prospective students, clear procedures and guidelines, as well as possibilities to appeal or object to decisions.

Proper conduct
Legal protection
Educational regulations
Financial support

This page is under construction and therefore the overview of regulations is not yet complete.

If you have any questions about regulations, please send an e-mail to [email protected].


Legal Protection Service

The Legal Protection Service was instituted by Breda University of Applied Sciences to support current and future students in submitting complaints, objections or appeals. The Protection Service can help you find the right course of action if you do not agree with the way you have been treated by another student or staff member, or a decision that has been made regarding you.


A complaint can be about the behaviour of a student or staff member of Breda University of Applied Sciences, education, or support services. 

The advice is to first discuss the situation with the person or body concerned and find an appropriate solution together without having to initiate a formal procedure.

If you are unable to find a mutually satisfactory solution together, please send your complaint to [email protected].


You can lodge an objection to the dispute resolution committee against a (written) decision which was made by or on behalf of the Executive Board and which directly affects you in your interests.

This may involve, for instance, the refusal, withdrawal, or termination of your enrolment, but also the granting or rejection of financial support. 
If you wish to file an objection, you will be required to do so within six weeks after the date of the decision to which you seek to object.  
An objection must be lodged by means of the Form for an Objection to the Dispute Resolution Committee

More information about the dispute resolution committee can be found in the Regulations regarding the Dispute Resolution Committee.


You file an appeal if you disagree with an oral or written decision of the board of examiners or of an examiner. This may involve, for instance, a negative binding recommendation regarding the continuation of studies.  

If you wish to lodge an appeal, you will be required to do so within six weeks after the date of the decision against which you seek to appeal. An appeal must be lodged by means of the Form for an Appeal to the Examination Appeals Board.

More information about the Examination Appeals Board can be found in the Rules of Procedure of the Examination Appeals Board

If you have any questions about the Legal Protection Service, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Code of Conduct international students

To protect your interests as a foreign student in the Netherlands, Dutch institutions of higher education have drawn up a Code of Conduct International Student Higher Education regulating their relations with international students.

On the website you can download the Code of Conduct and read more about the complaints procedure.