Sustainability, Tourism and Transport

ProfessorNina Nesterova and Paul Peeters
Research topic: the mitigation of tourism and transport impacts on the environment


The Centre for Sustainability, Tourism and Transport (CSTT) aims to bridge the knowledge gap between the role of tourism and tourism transport in several global environmental challenges.

Tourism and particularly tourism transport, contribute significantly to global environmental challenges (notably climate change, but also biodiversity loss and health) and effective policies to address these challenges remain largely absent. CSTT therefore strives for meaningful changes that contribute to a reduction of tourism’s environmental footprint by creating impact on relevant tourism and environmental policy domains and on the awareness and practices of relevant organisations and the public at large. 

Our research adopts an integrated perspective on tourism that includes all tourist flows to and from destinations (domestic and international, and all travel purposes, including business travel). 

We use our research to help businesses, consumers, and policymakers to take actions that effectively address these challenges. To this end, we: 

  1. Measure and forecast the effects of tourism and tourism transport on the environment – particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions – and possible consequences for consumers and businesses under current and alternative policy regimes. 
  2. Examine and influence processes of policy formation to guide policy actors in the development of alternative policies that effectively address specific tourism-related environmental challenges – particularly climate change. 
  3. Explore innovative approaches, measures, ideas, new applications.
  4. Develop innovative tools – including serious gaming applications and enlightening translations of scientific outcomes for both policymakers, the public, and business-leaders – to assist policymaking.

We are well-connected to NGOs, policymakers, (sustainable) tourism actors, and the research community in many parts of the world. We have published advice for the European Parliament, the Dutch House of Representatives, OECD, UNWTO, and many others.

The research team:

  • Professor Nina Nesterova
  • Distinguished Professor Paul Peeters
  • Harald Buijtendijk
  • Erdinç Çakmak
  • Eke Eijgelaar
  • Ivar Neelis
  • Cheryl van Adrichem

We keep our own carbon footprint low. We use low-carbon modes of transport as much as possible.
