Special features Logistics
New: Logistics & AI
Do you like puzzling with data? Are you curious about artificial intelligence? Do you want to know how to use these techniques to make logistics smarter? Then the Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (ADS&AI) in Logistics track is for you!
You will learn how to deal with data and how to use it to devise and implement smart solutions to logistics problems. You will also engage in programming, and gain knowledge on how to act ethically, give advice and manage projects.
The track is a mix of learning, doing and researching. In the first year of your studies, projects allow you to discover what you are good at. You get the chance to showcase yourself in the field of data analysis and data collection. From the second year, you'll take various courses and workshops on data science and AI, and work on real challenges in projects. You will also do a placement at a logistics company or organisation where you will make a data-driven decision. At the end of your study programme, you do a graduation project in which you create or improve a data science or AI model for a logistics problem. You choose whether to do the whole track or only attend certain parts.
This option is unique in the Netherlands and fits well with the ADS&AI challenges in logistics. You will be trained as a data scientist for the future, who can use data and AI in a responsible and creative way to make logistics smarter. This will give you a head start in the labour market and a host of career opportunities.
To follow this track, you must apply for the Logistics Engineering programme.

Design your own study pathway
Throughout the entire course of study, you will work closely together with students on real-life industry projects. Within these projects, you can work on your own individual learning pathway. You will discover which role suits you best and you will ready yourself for this role. You will learn how to develop and fine-tune your own role by broadening or deepening your knowledge within your field of interest.
Logistics Game
Serious Gaming is being used at BUas to gain insight into logistic processes. In the first year, you as logistics student get nine weeks to work on this game, called Blokko. Finance, planning, everything you have learned is dealt with in the game, including new techniques such as blockchain. The game is played across the campus by moving Lego blocks from one building to another.

Working together on the future of logistics
Cooperation with industry partners is essential to our degree programmes in order to keep education up to date and relevant. What’s happening in the logistics field, what problems are professionals facing, and what questions do they have? Together with leading companies you will work on complex issues and help shape the logistics of the future. A substantial part of your studies consists of real-life, practice-based assignments. These assignments are drawn from the logistics industry, but also from sectors such as events and healthcare.
- Some examples
For Bravis Ziekenhuis in Bergen op Zoom and Roosendaal students conducted a study on waiting times in healthcare. For DHL students researched how to innovate the logistics chain.
Another example concerns the assignments carried out by students for the Breda-based festivals of Ploegendienst en Duikbootfestival. The students tackled subjects like mobility management, capacity management and site management. How do you get to and from the festival site safely, and what does that mean for the surrounding area? And for the timing or line-up of the festival? Festival visitors want quick access to food, drinks and toilets. How many facilities are needed and where should these be located? And what if something happens? Can the emergency services get there quickly and is there a crisis plan? Questions that need to be addressed if you want to create a happy and safe festival experience.