Reveal of 113 plaque

A good conversation starts with really seeing someone’. This is written on the 113 plaque that Jorrit Snijder (President of the BUas Executive Board), together with Arjen van Drunen (municipal executive councillor at the City of Breda), Aranka ter Avest (Participation Council member) and Sam de Vries (member of Palto fraternity) attached to one of the benches on our campus grounds on Tuesday 16 April. 

  • About BUas

A much-needed reminder, because since the corona pandemic, there has been an increase in depression and suicidal thoughts among young people. In fact, suicide is the leading cause of death among this group. Hence this appeal. To remind everyone, both near and on our campus, that it is hugely important to keep talking to each other and really see each other.   

Breda City Council passed a motion called ‘De Stille Strijd’ (The Silent Fight) at the end of last year. This motion is about preventing suicide. As part of that motion, the municipality already placed plaques in various places in the city of Breda last year. Early this year, the municipality distributed the plaques to partners in the city, including BUas. 

Jorrit Snijder: “The well-being of our students and staff is one of the top priorities of our international BUas community. That is why we put up a plaque. To make it easier to talk about mental health issues. And to remember to look out for each other and offer support when needed.” 

Because of the international nature of our institute, we have also had an English-language plaque made, which will soon be attached to one of the other benches. ‘A meaningful conversation starts with genuine understanding’ will be the text on that plaque.