Year schedule

Your first academic year as a BUas student starts with a spectacular introduction event.  

Introduction event

Together with your fellow students of Built Environment and the logistics programmes you will get to experience a week full of fun and laugther and getting to know each other. Here you’ll find a sneak preview of 'INTRO ABEL', the introduction week. 

Are you an international student? Please join us on Thursday 22 August 2024 for the ‘International Kick-off’ for international students. You will be informed about this per e-mail.

Start of the academic year

Prior to the introduction week there will be an introductory lecture for all first-year students of the Logistics and Built Environment degree programmes. You will be given information about your study timetable, digital facilities, your school identity card and several matters related to the course content of your degree programme. You will receive a personal invitation for this introductory lecture.

Lectures of your degree programme will start 1 september 2025.


Schedule 2025-2026

In your own planning, please take into account these holidays and days off at Breda University of Applied Sciences in the academic year 2025-2026.

21 August 2025: International kick-off
25 August - 29 August 2025: Introduction week
1 September 2025: start of the academic year
13 - 17 October 2025: Autumn holiday
22 December 2025 - 2 January 2026: Christmas holiday
16 - 20 February 2026: Spring holiday
3 April 2026: Good Friday, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
6 April 2026: Easter Monday, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
27 April 2026: King's Day, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
27 April - 1 May 2026: May holiday 
5 May 2026: Liberation day
14 May 2026: Ascension day, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
15 May 2026: Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
25 May 2026: Whit Monday, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
13 July - 21 August 2026: Summer holiday
24 - 28 August 2026: Introduction week
31 August 2026: Start academic year of 2026-2027

Planning of the current academic year of 2024-2025

26 August - 30 August 2024: Introduction week
2 September 2024: start of the academic year
21 - 25 October 2024: Autumn holiday
23 December 2024 - 3 January 2025: Christmas holiday
3 - 7 March 2025: Spring holiday
18 April 2025: Good Friday, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
21 April 2025: Easter Monday, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
27 April 2025: King's Day, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
28 April - 2 May 2025: May holiday 
5 May 2025: Liberation day
29 May 2025: Ascension day, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
30 May 2025: Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
9 June 2025: Whit Monday, Breda University of Applied Sciences closed
14 July - 22 August 2025: Summer holiday
1 September 2025: Start academic year of 2025-2026